
Turkmen phthisiatricians completed special courses in Minsk


Special courses were held in Minsk by specialists from the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, whose specialty is planning and implementing anti-tuberculosis care.

According to the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the study took place at the WHO center for the introduction of new drugs and regimens for the treatment of M/XDR-TB at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pulmonology and Phthisiology.

The training program includeincludeed the main aspects of the tuberculosis control program, taking into account the achievements of modern medical science and new approaches to the detection, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, according to new WHO recommendations.

As a result of the courses, Turkmen specialists received knowledge and skills in the field of planning, implementation, and monitoring of anti-tuberculosis services, the source notes.

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