
An exhibition dedicated to Science Day opened at the State Museum of Turkmenistan


An exhibition dedicated to Science Day opened at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan.

According to the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the exhibition consists of two sections. The first is dedicated to history and archaeological sciences. Here are photographs of archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient city of Altyn-Depe, the settlements of Kara-Depe, Yylgynly-Depe, Yalangach-Depe. The photographs are accompanied by archaeological artifacts discovered during various excavations.

Attention is drawn to pages from the field diary of the famous archaeologist A.M. Mandelstam, who conducted research on Bronze Age mounds on the territory of Turkmenistan in 1960. The diaries of the famous archaeologist V.M. are also presented here. Masson, who explored the monuments located west of Kyzyl-Arvat in 1952.

The second section of the exhibition is dedicated to paleontology, geology and other natural sciences. Documentary photographs, various laboratory supplies of scientists, a collection of minerals of Turkmenistan are presented here: limestone, marble onyx, chalcedony, celestine, quartz geodes, gypsum and other minerals.

Paleontological finds are represented by ancient fossils of ancient animals and plants.

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