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An oratory competition in Chinese was held for the first time in Turkmenistan


The final of the first public speaking competition in Chinese was held at the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after. Dovletmammet Azadi.

As reported in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, the idea of holding the competition belongs to the Chinese language teachers of the Department of Far Eastern Languages of TNIML.

Students with an average level of knowledge of the Chinese language took part in the competition.

The first round took place in early May in a remote format and consisted of an essay in Chinese. As a result of the selection, 10 authors of the best essays advanced to the next round.

In the second round, participants made presentations on the topics of the essays they had written in the format of oratory. The jury included university teachers, including native Chinese speakers - Hou Yuqing and Shirin Kadyrova from the Magtymguly Turkmen State University and Chen Wenying from the Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages.

The Grand Prix of the competition was won by TNIMYA student Ayjahan Agayeva. The first place was awarded to the representative of TSU named after Magtymguly Aylar Bayrammamedova, the second place was taken by a student of the International University of Humanities and Development Shabibi Beshimova, the third place was taken by a student of TNIMU Gulnaz Seyitmammedova.

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