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A delegation of Japanese parliamentarians will visit Turkmenistan


The Japanese parliamentary delegation led by the chairman of the Japanese-Turkmen interparliamentary friendship group, member of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament Toshiaki Endo will arrive in Ashgabat on May 12 for a three-day visit, reports the IIC.

The purpose of the visit is to discuss key issues of cooperation between the two countries, said Japanese Ambassador to Turkmenistan Hiroshi Sasaki.

During a meeting with representatives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the Japanese Ambassador emphasized that the upcoming visit of Japanese parliamentarians would be an important contribution to the development of bilateral dialogue and cooperation at the legislative level.

The parties expressed their readiness to support intergovernmental cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy, strengthen the legal foundations of relations and exchange experience in lawmaking.

Previously, the Turkmen delegation led by the Chairman of the Mejlis, Dunyagozel Gulmanova, visited Tokyo in February 2024, contributing to the deepening of inter-parliamentary ties.

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