The main news of Turkmenistan on February 14 – Turkmenportal


The President of Turkmenistan received the head of an Italian company, IRENA may open an office in Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan and Armenia discussed issues of cooperation in the international arena and other news


1. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the head of the Italian company Leonardo Stefano Pontecorvo. During the meeting, Pontecorvo confirmed his readiness to further develop fruitful cooperation with Turkmenistan, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the bilateral negotiations planned during the current visit will contribute to the expansion of effective business cooperation. Also, during the meeting, the possibilities of using the potential of satellite communications were discussed. In this context, it was noted that, for its part, Turkmenistan is ready to consider specific proposals from the Italian company.

2. The International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA may open a national office in Turkmenistan. This prospect was discussed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov, and the Director General of IRENA, Gauri Singh. The opening of an agency office in Turkmenistan should be a new step in the context of expanding cooperation between the parties.

3. The Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Armenia Muhammetgeldi Ayazov held a meeting with the head of the Department of Multilateral Policy and Development Cooperation of the Armenian Foreign Ministry David Knyazyan. The parties discussed issues of interaction within international organizations. It was noted that Armenia supports a number of UN resolutions initiated by Turkmenistan. Ayazov invited Armenia to join the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development.

4. The Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan has announced an international tender for the construction of substations in the Balkan velayat. Applications for construction will be accepted in writing at the development department of the Ministry of Energy at the address: Ashgabat, st. 2022, building 55.

5. Representatives of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan observed the progress of the early presidential elections in Azerbaijan as part of a mission of international observers from the CIS. The delegation of Turkmenistan assessed compliance with democratic procedures and observed voting at polling stations on election day, February 7. Meetings also were held between the heads of the central election commissions of both countries.


6. Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr Bean, is being blamed for slowing sales of electric vehicles in the UK. In 2023, Atkinson published a column in The Guardian, where he expressed doubts about the environmental friendliness of electric cars. He suggested that from an environmental point of view, cars with traditional engines may be more environmentally friendly than electric cars. Atkinson also expressed hope for the future of hydrogen and synthetic fuel cars.

7. Chinese teachers are actively adopting new technologies, using artificial intelligence to check tests. The neural network works as a mobile application that analyzes the text of the work, identifies errors and produces results in just a few seconds. The system is capable of checking any number of papers, freeing teachers from routine tasks. The survey found that 60% of teachers spend the most time grading tests. The neural network will allow them to optimize this process.


8. Turkmen mixed martial arts fighter Dovletjan Yagshimuradov spoke about preparations for the upcoming fight. Now the athlete is training intensively in the famous American Top Team gym in the USA together with the best coaches and sparring partners in order to raise his professional level before the next fight. -While we are preparing for April, there will be accurate news soon, - Dovletjan noted in a conversation with a Turkmenportal correspondent.

9. The champion of Turkmenistan “Arkadag” will play with the Russian football club “Paris NN” within the framework of a friendly match at a training camp in the UAE. The game with the representative of the Russian Premier League will be held on February 18. The start time and location of the match will be announced later.

10. The national table tennis team of Turkmenistan takes part in training camps, which take place from February 10 to 16 in Tehran. The team of 14 athletes and three coaches was formed with the assistance of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Sports. Training takes place in the Olympic village of Tehran with the participation of leading coaches and athletes of the Iranian national team.

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