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Turkmen entrepreneurs intend to export ostriches


There are more than 2000 African ostriches on a farm in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat. The birds feel at home here - there is a lot of sun.

On an area of 5 hectares, all conditions for breeding chicks have been created. There is a lot of space for walking, the pens are spacious. To gain weight, ostriches must constantly move: they need to cover at least 25 kilometers per day.

Currently, 400 ostrich chicks are growing up on the farm, and entrepreneurs plan to export these birds to the CIS countries, reports the IIC.

Previously, we talked about how the farm of entrepreneur Maysa Welmyradova in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat contains 500 African ostriches.

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