
In the western United States, spiders and cobwebs are falling from the sky


In the cities of San Francisco, San Jose, Danville and Gilroy in the United States, there have been cases of small spiders falling straight from the sky along with their webs, the Daily Mail reported.

A video of spiders falling from the sky along with a request to explain the cause of the phenomenon appeared on TikTok. “It’s sticky and silky and falls from the sky,” says one of the characters in the videos. Putina entwined telephone poles, hung in the air and stuck to the ground. One user noted that the strange substance smells like chemicals and burns well.

Fred Larabee, an associate professor of biology at San Jose State University, reassured US residents by explaining that the webs falling from the sky were woven by baby spiders to facilitate their migration to new habitats. Little spiders must leave the place where they were born, so they are forced to weave webs, which are then picked up by the wind and carried away to other regions. In this way, nature regulates the spider population and prevents competition between brothers and sisters of the same species.

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