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The President of Turkmenistan opened a new complex building of the Academy of State Services


Today, Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the new building complex of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan. This was reported by the online publication "Turkmenistan: Golden Age".

To the applause of the gathered, the head of state cut the symbolic ribbon, opening a new object. The President familiarized himself with the complex of the Academy, where all conditions were created for the training of management level personnel and civil servants, their professional development according to the requirements of the time.

The Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan is a higher professional educational institution that provides in-depth postgraduate education. In the structure, the Academy operates in two faculties: public administration and advanced training. There are 7 departments: state and international law, civil law, economics and finance, management, digital economy and information technologies, social sciences, foreign languages. Master's studies are carried out in a number of areas.

This year the Academy celebrates its 15th anniversary. The effective work of employees of state bodies and bodies of local executive power and self-government is an important condition for progressive socio-economic development of the country, its active integration into the modern system of world economic relations. For these purposes, the Academy has serious and responsible tasks for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists who are called to make a worthy contribution to the prosperity and further progress of Turkmenistan.

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