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Archaeologists have discovered a sacrificed panda in the mausoleum of the Chinese emperor


A well-preserved skeleton of a giant panda was found at the excavations of the mausoleum of the Chinese emperor Xiaowen-di. According to archaeologists, the animal was sacrificed more than two thousand years ago, informs “MIR 24” with reference to the “N + 1” publication.

Scientists believe that the remains of the panda were buried in one of the pits that surrounded the main tomb of the ruler. In other pits, bones of tigers, tapirs, Asian buffaloes, oryxes and other animals that lived in ancient China were found.

The mausoleum of Xiaowen-di was found in 2017 in the vicinity of the city of Xi'an. At present time, archaeologists are exploring numerous pits located around the structure, the source notes.

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