Serdar Berdimuhamedov called for cooperation with Arab countries in medicine, sports, cultural and humanitarian spheres, ecology, transport and energy,the tour of Russian circuses in the velayats of Turkmenistan will last until September 24 and other news



1. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov returned to Ashgabat, completing a two-day working visit to Saudi Arabia, during which he took part in the first summit of the heads of state of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and Central Asia. In his speech at the summit, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov came up with a number of initiatives. In particular, he announced the readiness of Turkmenistan to organize the first investment forum of the states of Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2024, put forward an initiative to form a new platform for interaction in the field of culture, proposed to consider the establishment of the Ecological Council of the States of Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The head of state also voiced a proposal to hold a Medical Congress in Ashgabat in 2025 and announced his readiness to host the first International Sports Games of the Central Asian States and the Gulf Cooperation Council in Turkmenistan.

2. Two well-known Russian circuses - the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Prospekt and the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard - continue their tour of Turkmenistan. After successful performances in Ashgabat, which will end on August 7, they will visit all regions of the country and introduce their unique performances to the local audience. For the first time in the history of Turkmen-Russian cultural cooperation, circus performances will be held not only in the capital, but also in velayat centers. The performances will be held at the modern concert venues “Turkmen White Yurt” (Türkmeniň ak öýi), which are in every regional center and which are specially equipped for circus performances.

3. From August 1, 2023, the Russian Embassy in Turkmenistan introduces new rules for issuing visas. Now, in order to obtain a Russian visa, you need to fill out an electronic application form on the website and sign up for receiving documents in an electronic queue at Handwritten applications are no longer accepted. The Embassy assures that such measures will help speed up and optimize the process of issuing visas to citizens of Turkmenistan wishing to visit Russia.

4. The Republic of Korea is hosting an official visit of the Turkmen delegation, which began on July 17. The delegation is headed by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for construction, industry and electric power industry Baymyrat Annamammedov. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, within the framework of the visit, the Turkmen delegation met with the Prime Minister of Korea Han Doksu. During the talks, the parties noted the high level of development of interstate relations between the two countries.

5. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan has clarified the rules for recording fires, which have been in force since June 8, 2023. According to the new rules, those who died or were injured from inhalation of toxic gases released during the combustion of combustible substances in heating stoves, if the source of ignition did not go beyond the place of ignition, as well as those who died or were injured as a result of various causes of electrical short circuit. This decision was made in order to improve the rules for accounting for fires in accordance with the legislation on fire safety. The order is registered with the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan and is available for review on the portal of legal information.


6. A new Mother and Child Room has been opened at Moscow Domodedovo Airport on the territory of the T2 terminal. There are games rooms, divided according to the age of the children. They have game modules for learning about the world around them. Also, for a good rest, a bedroom is equipped, there is a room for swaddling and hygiene, a kitchen area with the necessary equipment. Mothers with children are provided with free diapers and disposable diapers, and for the entertainment of older children, animators work in the room.

7. The world's first robot-assisted liver transplant was performed at Washington University in St. Louis. The operation was successful, the new liver took root and began to function. A month after the operation, the man was able to move independently without pain and discomfort. A 60 years old patient suffering from hepatitis required urgent surgery due to cancer and cirrhosis. The transplantation operation was controlled by the chief surgeon of the University with the help of the control panel. The doctor watched the process through a screen that displayed the patient in ultra-high resolution 3D. All actions under his leadership were performed by a robot.


8. The 17th Asian Chess Championship among schoolchildren is underway in Tashkent. Turkmen chess players Mahri Agamuradova (G13) and Lala Shohradova (G17) won silver and bronze medals, respectively, in a tournament with classical time regulations. The Asian Championship will end today with a blitz tournament. The championship is attended by 330 chess players from 17 countries, including India, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia.

9. Ashgabat's “Kopetdag” stadium took 75th place in the ranking of the 100 best arenas in the world according to the authoritative British publication FourFourTwo. The rating was compiled taking into account five criteria: history, atmosphere, capacity, architecture and environment. The first place in the ranking was taken by the Argentine stadium “Bombonera”. On the second line is the Brazilian arena “Maracana”, on the third - the stadium of Dortmund “Borussia” – “Signal Iduna Park”.

10. The Women's World Cup kicks off in Australia and New Zealand. This year's tournament is a record one: 32 teams are fighting for the trophy. The matches of the tournament, which will last until August 20, will be held at 10 stadiums in two countries. The group stage will end on August 3, and the playoff round will begin on August 5. The final match will be hosted by “Sydney” stadium.

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