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A map of the most dangerous asteroids for the next millennium has been compiled


Astronomers from Cornell University in the United States have compiled a map of the trajectories of asteroids that pose the greatest danger to the Earth, reports “Novye Izvestiya”.

The map of dangerous asteroids is designed for the next millennium. It includes 28 objects that can fly dangerously close to the Earth - at a distance less than to the Moon. According to calculations, none of them can even hypothetically collide with our planet in the next hundred years.

Asteroids numbered 7482 and 143651 scientists described as the most unpredictable and dangerous. Number 7482 will be close to the Earth for the last thousand years, and the second one has a rather strange orbit, which the asteroid can change at any moment.

Asteroids are dangerous because even without a collision with the Earth they can cause floods, tsunamis and destruction on land. The compiled map will help predict the approach of a dangerous object to the planet and assess the risks of a collision and possible consequences.

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