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The formation of the CIS Observer Mission to monitor the election campaign for the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan has been completed

The formation of the CIS Observer Mission to monitor the election campaign for the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan has been completed

The formation of the Mission of observers from the CIS to monitor the election campaign for the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan has been completed, reports the press service of the CIS Executive Committee.

It includes 49 accredited observers representing the states of the Commonwealth, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States and the CIS Executive Committee.

It is also noted that within the framework of monitoring the elections, on March 15, observers held meetings with the leadership of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan Aman Geokjyaev told the observers about the organization of the work of the courts during the election campaign, noting that the judiciary is ready to ensure timely consideration of possible applications from the participants in the electoral process.

Deputy Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan Alymuhammet Akmammedov informed the observers about the tasks facing the prosecutor's office in terms of protecting the electoral rights of citizens of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan Yazguly Agabayev provided observers with information on measures to ensure law and order in the process of holding parliamentary elections.

Representatives of government agencies informed the Commonwealth observers that so far there have been no complaints related to the electoral process and violation of the electoral rights of citizens.

As a result of the meeting, the parties reached an agreement to inform the Mission Headquarters about the citizens' appeals received during the electoral process and the identified violations.

On March 16, long-term observers from the CIS met with members of the election headquarters of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (PIET). The chairman of the party, Saparmurat Ovganov, briefed the observers on the election program of the party, spoke about the course of the election campaign and the participation of candidates from the PIET in it, as well as about the work of the party with the youth.

In the course of monitoring the election campaign, observers from the CIS continue to familiarize themselves with the work of precinct election commissions. For this purpose, on March 16-17, members of the Mission Headquarters visited a number of polling stations in Ashgabat and Mary velayat. Particular attention was paid to the work of precinct commissions with voter lists, as well as early voting, which began on March 16. This procedure is primarily provided for citizens traveling on long business trips or vacations, as well as for those who, for valid reasons, cannot come to their polling station on voting day.

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