The third patient in the world has recovered from HIV

The third patient in the world has recovered from HIV

The Nature magazine published a detailed description of the third case of a complete recovery of a 53 years old patient from HIV.

In 2013, a man from Germany underwent a stem cell transplant procedure. Since 2018, after the cessation of antiretroviral therapy, the third, or as he is called the “Dusseldorf patient”, tests did not reveal any traces of the virus.

According to scientists, stem cell transplantation can entail many risks, so this procedure is not suitable for all infected people. However, the fact that HIV has been completely eradicated provides hope and direction for the development of more benign therapies.

In addition, only 1% of the entire planet's population can be donors - these are people with a genetic mutation that provides resistance to HIV.

The stem cell transplant technique was first used to treat Timothy Ray Brown, the “Berlin patient”.

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