Citizens protest in Germany against resumption of coal mining

Citizens protest in Germany against resumption of coal mining
Photo: “Mir 24”

Eco-activists are protesting near the abandoned village of Luetzerath in Germany, “MIR 24” reports. The reason is the intention of country’s authorities to demolish the remains of the village in order to reactivate three coal deposits and start producing this type of fuel again.

The Luetzerath village has been uninhabited for a year, the resident abolished it, however their empty houses were occupied with eco-activists led by Greta Thunberg. They are against the demolition of the village and the resumption of coal mining, which is considered to be one of the most polluting the atmosphere sort of fuel.

As per the expert’s estimations, the reserves of deposits near the village amount to 250 million tons of coal. German society is divided into two camps – one considers that coal mining will help to weaken the energy crisis that has captured the country, the second half are against and are ready to be patient in favor of fighting global warming.

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