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The lead singer of the band Rammstein turned 60 years old

The lead singer of the band Rammstein turned 60 years old

On January 4, the front man of the popular German metal band Till Lindemann celebrates a jubilee, he turns 60 years.

He was born in 1963 on the territory of the German Democratic Republic in Leipzig in the family of the well-known in the GDR children’s writer Werner Lindemann. In his youth, the future rock star was keen on swimming and succeed in it, even joined the GDR’s Junior national team at the European Championship. He could also become a participant in the Moscow Olympics-80, but was excluded from the national team due to the intention to constantly break the rules. The reason for the end of his sports career was an injury received during training.

In 1986 Till Lindermann joined the punk band First Arsch as a drummer, in the early 90s he met Richard Kruspe and Paul Landers, with whom he formed Rammstein band in 1994.

Rammstein's style can be described as industrial rock (a symbiosis of rock and electronic music) with elements of hard rock and gothic metal. The Rammstein band also became innovative in terms of language – at that time, German rock bands performed songs in English in imitation of British and American ones, and Rammstein became the first German-speaking band.

Rammstein was rapidly gaining popularity on the European stage. Such compositions as Mutter, Ich will, Mein Herz Brennt, Onhe Dich gained the most fame.

Lindermann writes poetry and has even published two poetical composite books named “Knife” and “On quiet nights. Lyrics”.

Besides his native German and Engish languages, Lindemann speaks Russian quite good.

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Ackord6 ( 05.01.2023 )

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