
Railway companies of Turkmenistan and Russia plan to open mutual representative offices

Railway companies of Turkmenistan and Russia plan to open mutual representative offices

In the near future, it is possible to open a representative office of the “Russian Railways” company in Turkmenistan and a representative office of “Turkmendemiryollary” in Russia.

This is determined in the Cooperation Development Program for 2023-2025, which was signed by the head of the “Turkmendemiryollary” Agency (“Turkmen Railways”) Azat Atamyradov and the General Director of “Russian Railways” OJSC Oleg Belozyorov.

The document defines cooperation in the development of transportation along the international transport corridor “North-South” and the construction of infrastructure, reports the press service of Russian Railways.

Interaction, according to the Program, is expected in the following areas: the development of transportation and logistics services, including the organization of a regular container service along the eastern route “North-South” and a block train that ensures the minimum delivery time of agricultural products, raw materials and industrial goods between Turkmenistan and Russia. It also provides for the construction, modernization and reconstruction of infrastructure.

In addition, such areas of cooperation as strengthening human resources and digitalization will be developed, the source said.

The document was signed during a meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation, held in Moscow.

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