
“RZD Logistics”, KTZ Express and TULM signed a Memorandum of cooperation in international and transit freight traffic


“RZD Logistics” company (RF), KTZ Express (Kazakhstan) and “Turkmenistan's Transport and Logistics Center” have signed a memorandum of cooperation in international and transit freight traffic. It was reported by “RZD Logistics” press-service.

The parties agreed to develop joint railway service on the international route “North – South”.

Among the main cooperation directions meant by the document: organization of a regular freight traffic in three sided and transit connection, boosting the international import-export flow of goods, development of the cooperation directed at realization of the potential of the “North-South” railway corridor, and using jointly the transport and logistics infrastructure.

In addition, signed document guarantees the development of railway routes by launch of new regular trains between Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russia, including regular container services, ensuring short delivery time of the agriculture products and consumable goods, also introduction of technological innovations and joint solutions on implementation of the route potential.

We remind that in October the “RZD Logistics” company started to transportation of full–composite container trains from Russia to Iran on the eastern branch of the North-South land corridor using the transport infrastructure of Turkmenistan. The train will run on the new route once a month.

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