
Where is marbled beef grown in Turkmenistan?


Aberdeen angus and holstein are specially bred breeds of cows from which the popular marbled meat is made.

These animals are known for their high resistance to adverse weather conditions: they acclimatize well, easily tolerate heat and frost. They can be kept outdoors all year round, the main thing is to provide enough good quality feed.

Now there are already more than a thousand cows of an elite breed on a farm in the Ahal velayat of Turkmenistan, reports “Mir24” correspondent.

According to veterinarian Taganmyrat Orazov, the cows were specially brought from abroad. They have already adapted to the Turkmen climate and feel good.

“Every day we conduct inspections and monitor the health of the cows. Preventive work is carried out on pastures. Fans have been installed in the premises, with the help of which we can control the temperature,” said Orazov, a veterinarian.

Another know-how of this farm is chipping. The condition of the cows is monitored remotely, which greatly facilitates the work of the farm staff. Besides that, the enterprise is equipped with modern equipment - tractors, milk drinkers, feed distributors.

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