The highest point of Kilimanjaro will have Internet


Internet was installed in the Horombo hut, located at an altitude of 3720 meters above sea level on the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro. This was the beginning of connecting the network on the highest mountain in Africa, writes

As the Minister of information, communications and information technology, Nape Nnauye, noted: “This will increase the safety of climbers and porters”. Already by October of this year, the Internet will appear at the highest point of the stratovolcano Kilimanjaro peak Kibo, whose height is 5895 meters.

According to the minister, only 146 million shillings (about 62,5 thousand USD) were spent on connecting the Internet to the Horombo shelter. It is noted that Internet access at the highest point of the African continent will permit greater promotion of tourism, and also simplify the call of rescuers in an emergency.

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