
53.5% of the annual precipitation rate fell in the spring in Ashgabat


In Ashgabat, 53.5% of the annual precipitation rate fell in the spring, namely 118.3 mm. In accordance with the meteojurnal website, this is more than the climatic norm, which is 97.8 mm.

Despite the fact that April was hot and without rain, there was a lot of precipitation in March and May.

As in Ashgabat, more than two monthly norms of precipitation fell in Turkmenabat, almost three-monthly norms fell in Dashoguz, and more than three monthly norms fell in Serdar. In Darvaza, precipitation exceeded the norm by 4.4 times: in May, 35% of the annual norm fell.

There were no rains in Primorye, Esenguly and Ogurjaly Island in May, the source notes.

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