
Vernissage opened at the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan


The Vernissage dedicated to the introduction of the craft of making dutar (musical instrument), performing musical art on it and the art of bakhshi (musician/singer) into the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO opened in the Exhibition Gallery of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan. This is reported by the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan".

Students of the Academy and students of the Turkmen State Special Art School at the State Academy of Arts in Turkmenistan (GAKHT) presented their works there.

Among the exhibits are paintings, sculptural compositions and jewelry. Within the framework of the Exhibition, a master class was organized on the preparation of wood for the manufacture of dutar.

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of GAKHT Nuryagdy Yagshimuradov:

– Our Exhibition is called "Art Sounding in the World". It is impossible to imagine a Turkmen without a dutar, and the fact that the craft of its manufacture, the art of performing on it and the art of bakhshi are included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO is a significant achievement of our country. In many ways bakhshies were teachers among the ordinary Turkmen people, bringing light of knowledge and philosophy of existence, therefore, such respect for this profession. And since Turkmen people are very musical by nature, the moral postulates from the mouth of bakhshi fell into the fertile soil of the soul, were remembered for a lifetime, and passed on to children. This valuable phenomenon in the national musical culture was often addressed by prominent artists of our country, but now it has received a new round of development, becoming the heritage of all mankind culture, therefore, both the scientific and creative work of our Academy will focus specifically on this topic.

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