In Ashgabat, there have been changes in the movement of two bus routes


The agency “Turkmenavtouulaglary” informs passengers that in order to meet the needs of the population in bus transportation and ensure the smooth movement of urban transport, changes are being made to the movement of bus routes No. 37 and 54.

The movement of buses No. 37 “Station - Cardiological Center” will be carried out along the following route:

Railway station - Kemine street - S. Turkmenbashi avenue - A. Niyazov avenue - Garashsyzlyk avenue - G.Ezizov street - Oguzkhan street - Garashsyzlyk avenue - Archabil avenue - Ata Türk street - Archabil avenue - 1970 - Cardiology center; reverse direction: Archabil avenue - S. Turkmenbashi avenue - 10 yyl Abadanchylyk street - S. Turkmenbashi avenue - Gurbansoltan Eje avenue - Station.

Buses on the route No. 54 “Station – Bagir” will proceed from the Station through the street. Kemine, S. Turkmenbashi Avenue, Gerogly Street, Gunesh Street, N. Atayev Street, Parahat Street, A. Dzhalyeva Street, Yenish Street,

G. Ovezov Street and back: G. Ovezov Street - A. Dzhalyeva Street - Parahat Street - Gerogly - S. Turkmenbashi Avenue - Gurbansoltan Eje Avenue and will arrive at the “Station” dispatch center.

Phones for clarification of information on the work of bus routes: +99312 44-33-90, 44-33-91.


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