New fresh water reserves discovered in Turkmenistan


New reserves of clean drinking water have been identified in Turkmenistan. Turkmen Hydrogeologists from the Dashoguz expedition of the state Corporation "Turkmengeologiya" during this year's research discovered drinking water reserves in underground freshwater lenses on Uchkepderi square in the Gurbansoltan eje etrap and on Dostluk square in the Gubadag etrap of the Dashoguz velayat, "Turkmenistan: Golden age" reports.

According to experts, a new field – "Chopanyar" and "Chagatyar" will play an important role in providing drinking water to the population of the nearby rural settlements of Sharlavuk, Dostluk, Ak-Altyn, Bashdesh, Agzybirlik and Gumly.

The Balkanabat hydrogeological expedition in the Serdar etrap revealed reserves of underground fresh water at the “Chukur” field. The new field will provide drinking water to such large rural settlements as Hajigala, Chukur, Bendesen, and Ajidere.

Research conducted at the “Archaly” field in the Makhtumkuli etrap revealed the presence of drinking water reserves that can be used to provide the population of the settlements of Chukur-Yurt, Kone-Kesir, and Dayna.

According to the source, hydrogeological conditions on the territory of Turkmenistan are complex and depend on the geological structure and physical and geographical situation. So two-thirds of the territory does not have river flows. Fresh groundwater is distributed in limited areas. As a rule, these are areas of pre-Quaternary sediment outlets in Kopetdag, Big Balhan, and Koytendag, where resources are formed due to atmospheric precipitation, and in sections of the Amu Darya, Murgab, Tejen river valleys, and Kopetdag rivers (Chandyr, Sumbar, Archabil, Alty-yab, Sekiz-yab, and others) – due to channel losses.

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