A mass bike ride was held in Lebap in honor of the national holiday of the Turkmen horse


Photo: Jeyhun.news

In honor of the national holiday of the Turkmen horse, a mass bike ride was organized in the Lebap velayat, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reports.

The start was given on the right Bank of the Amu Darya on the territory of the Farab etrap. Then the participants of the large-scale action followed the road bridge on the left Bank.

The further route passed along the main highway of the velayat center — Bitarap Turkmenistan street. It is home to the first multimedia school in Lebap, a music and drama theater, the Ruhyet Palace, the velayat library, the “Bagt Koshgi” wedding Palace and other modern buildings. They were admired by Cycling fans on the way, who were welcomed by residents of Turkmenabat and guests of the city.

Festive events in honor of Akhal-Teke horses were held in all corners of the Lebap velayat.

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