
Speech by the President of Turkmenistan at the meeting of the Government and the X Meeting of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding


Dear members of the Cabinet of Ministers!

Dear members of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding!

Today we are holding an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and the anniversary meeting of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding. We invited heads of ministries and departments, hyakims of velayats, members of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding, heads of mass media to the meeting.

As you know, this year the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding is 10 years old. I congratulate everyone on this significant date, as well as on the National holiday of the Turkmen horse! I wish you great success in the development of horse breeding!

At this meeting, we will consider the development of Akhal-Teke horse breeding, horse breeding and equestrian sports at the international level, and we will accept new members to the Association. There will be written Decrees on awarding state awards of Turkmenistan to members of the Association who conduct fruitful work on the development of Akhal-Teke horse breeding in our country and abroad. We will also determine the place and time of the XI meeting of this Organization, discuss the tasks for the future and make appropriate decisions.

As I have already noted, this year the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding marks its 10th anniversary. A lot of work has been done over the years. Currently, 155 legal entities and individuals from 34 countries are members of the Association. Since its formation, its members have done much for the development of horse breeding, which has had a positive impact on the growth of the population of Akhal-Teke horses and the number of their connoisseurs abroad.

Dear friends!

In our country, a lot of planned work is being done to popularize the "Paradise" horses that have been raised and bred for many centuries on the Turkmen land. In order to develop the horse breeding industry and conduct international competitions and competitions, we have built and commissioned equestrian complexes that meet international standards.

Much has been done to train highly qualified specialists, and modern structures have been created for the scientific development of horse breeding, strengthening the material and technical base of the industry. To improve the social and living conditions of our horse breeders, the state has allocated funds in the amount of 680 million US dollars. We will continue to carry out large-scale work in this direction.

As you know, the national holiday of the Turkmen horse is celebrated in our country every year on the last Sunday of April. To mark this holiday, an international beauty contest among Akhal-Teke horses and a scientific and practical conference on topical issues of horse breeding, horse racing, and equestrian competitions are held. All these events are organized at the highest level.

For the purpose of artistic embodiment of the beauty of our "Paradise" horses in works of fine and decorative arts, creative competitions are organized. These events raise the fame of our Akhal-Teke horses, which have already become famous all over the world, even higher.

This year, we planned to hold celebrations dedicated to the national holiday of the Turkmen horse in the capital city of Ashgabat, as well as in the Akhal and Lebap velayats. I take this opportunity to encourage all of you to take an active part in them.

Dear friends!

By creating the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding, we have laid a solid Foundation for preserving the thoroughbred of Akhal-Teke horses in the world, increasing their number and popularizing them widely.

Our ancestors have always paid special attention to the cultivation of these wonderful, graceful, sensitive, faster than the wind horses, attaching great importance to the selection and breeding work. Today, Turkmen horse breeders continue their work with dignity.

At the same time, all conditions are being created in our country for holding horse races, national equestrian games and other types of equestrian sports, including at the international level – show jumping, horse marathon.

The velayats have modern world-class equestrian complexes, and the international Akhal-Teke equestrian complex was built and commissioned in the Geoktepe etrap of the Akhal-Teke velayat. In addition, the racetracks of the international Akhal-Teke equestrian complex, the equestrian complexes of Ashgabat and Lebap were modernized and covered with the Racecourse ground in accordance with international requirements for horse racing and equestrian competitions.

Great attention is also paid to the training of masters in horse racing and other types of equestrian sports, show jumping competitions and national equestrian games. For this purpose, a special training center has been opened at the Ashgabat equestrian complex, and modern open and covered arenas have been built that meet international standards.

Appropriate work has also been carried out on the formation of legal, economic and organizational bases for the development of horse breeding and equestrian sports. The law of Turkmenistan "On horse breeding and equestrian sports" has been adopted, aimed at protecting the gene pool of thoroughbred Akhal-Teke horses in our country and regulating relations arising in the cultivation, breeding and use of horses.

This document creates legal guarantees for improving the breeding business in horse breeding, preserving the breeding core of national breeds of horses included in the international gene pool, breeding and improving them, contributes to the development of horse breeding and equestrian sports, as well as achieving high results in this direction.

The group of national equestrian games "Galkynysh" also makes a worthy contribution to the glorification of Akhal-Teke horses, the popularization of the art of horse breeding and national equestrian games. This team has visited dozens of countries around the world, demonstrating the unique abilities of our "Paradise" horses at prestigious international festivals.

I am particularly proud to note that this group has successfully performed at international circus festivals in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Italy, the people's Republic of China, and the Kyrgyz Republic, and has been awarded Grand Prix and gold cups!

Dear members of the Cabinet of Ministers!

Dear members of the Association!

As you know, the program of the V Asian indoor and martial arts games held in September 2017 in Ashgabat for the first time included a type of equestrian sport – show jumping. This opened wide prospects for a worthy continuation of the glorious path of Akhal-Teke horses in equestrian sports, the full disclosure of their abilities in this area.

As I have already noted, large – scale work is underway in our Sunny country – the ancient homeland of racehorses-aimed at developing world-class equestrian sports.

We will continue to make every effort to ensure the successful performance of our Akhal-Teke horses at international competitions. Because our priorities are to develop the horse breeding industry, increase the glory of Akhal-Teke horses-the pride of the Turkmen people, restore ancient ancestral lines, preserve the purity of the breed and increase the number of horses.

Currently, we have significantly expanded mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign horse breeders. Fruitful work is also being done on the development of equestrian sports.

In higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the country, young professionals are trained in various areas of horse breeding and equestrian sports.

In order to train specialists of international level, as well as to study in-depth the unique features of Akhal-Teke horses, their history, horse breeding and breeding work, we have started the construction of an International higher school of horse breeding and a Research and production center in the new administrative center of the Akhal velayat.

And this is another eloquent evidence of the state's special attention to the development of the horse breeding industry at the international level.

The noble work of Turkmen and foreign horse breeders in raising Akhal-Teke horses is appreciated. We award them such honorary titles as Honored horse breeder of Turkmenistan, Master jockey-mentor of Turkmenistan and people's horse breeder of Turkmenistan. And this work will continue in the future.

Dear friends!

I would like to note that the journal of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding "Paradise Akhal-Teke horses" is published in Turkmen, Russian and English in our country. The publication tells about the breeding of horses of this breed in Turkmenistan and abroad, their history, and provides other valuable information, including the great work of our horse breeders to popularize Akhal-Teke horses in the world.

The valuable information published in the magazine allows fans of Akhal-Teke horses from different countries engaged in their breeding and dressage to share their experience.

In order to coordinate the activities of members of the Association, horse breeders and specialists of this industry, a special website of the international Association of Akhal-Teke horse breeding has been created in digital format on the Internet. It is intended for obtaining data on Akhal-Teke horses bred in different countries, and getting acquainted with news in the horse breeding industry. The site helps to collect material about competitions of Akhal-Teke horses, international exhibitions and conferences.

Dear friends!

As you know, Akhal-Teke horses attract connoisseurs with their appearance, grace, and speed, and therefore are bred in many countries of the world.

It is noteworthy that after the creation of our Association, the number of connoisseurs of this breed of horses, as well as those who want to breed them, has grown dramatically in the world. And this number is growing year by year. Currently, mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation has been established between Turkmen and many foreign horse breeders.

I would like to emphasize the positive role of the Association in establishing such international cooperation. I wish the members of the Association from all over the world – legal entities and individuals-success in their noble work! I firmly believe that these relations will continue to strengthen and develop!

Ashgabat, April 24, 2020

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