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Russian test systems for COVID-19 diagnostics received in Turkmenistan


Test systems for diagnostics COVID-19, developed at the enterprise "Vector", arrived in Turkmenistan from Russia, the website reports with reference to “Роспотребнадзор” (Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare).

In total, Russia has transferred about 800 test systems to ten countries of the near and far abroad. Using these tests, you can conduct 80 thousand studies. With the help of test systems developed by “Роспотребнадзор” (Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare), cases of the disease have already been detected in Armenia and Belarus.

The tests were also transferred to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, North Korea and Iran.

As stated by the Minister of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan at a recent briefing in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, there are no cases of COVID-19 in our country.

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