
How to join a new team
How to join a new team
The first day at a new job is always exciting. New people, unusual surroundings, a sea of information - all this can be confusing. This article...
Main signs of a sedentary lifestyle
Main signs of a sedentary lifestyle
In the modern world, where working at a computer has become the norm, and personal transport has replaced walking, the problem of physical inactivity -...
Unusual Poems by Hemra Shirov
Unusual Poems by Hemra Shirov
Contrary to the popular belief that graphic poetry or visual verse does not carry a major artistic task, the work of the famous Turkmen writer,...
7 factors that can turn work into torture
7 factors that can turn work into torture
Most people cite high wages, good working conditions, loyal corporate policies, etc. as the main factors influencing their job satisfaction. However, completely different things can...