
New schools opened in regions of Turkmenistan


At the beginning of the new academic year, opening ceremonies of a number of new educational institutions were held in Turkmenistan. They were attended by deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty, representatives of local executive authorities and public organizations, respected elders, numerous residents of cities and villages.

Thus, on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, a secondary school for 1200 students and a dormitory for 120 students were put into operation in the village of Bokurdak in the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat, reports the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

The modern school has all the conditions for teaching students, there are specially equipped classes for different subjects, including for labor education.

In the city of Hojambaz, Hojambaz etrap, Lebap velayat, a school for 960 students has opened its doors. In addition, in the village of Alpan, Merye gengeshlik, Sayat etrap, a school for 400 students has been commissioned.

In the Mary velayat, in the village of Saryyazy in the Tahtabazar etrap, a kindergarten for 160 children was ceremoniously opened, and in the city of Mary, a comprehensive school for 500 children was opened.

In the built comprehensive schools, teachers and children have spacious classrooms equipped with comfortable furniture and modern teaching aids and accessories. Multimedia and interactive equipment installed in the classrooms facilitates a more in-depth study of biology, physics, chemistry, geography and other subjects.

Schools also provide all the opportunities to develop students' creative abilities and talents. There are rooms for singing lessons, gyms, rooms for cultural events, work-study classes, libraries where children can get various textbooks and fiction.

The new buildings of preschool institutions provide all the conditions for harmonious education, comprehensive intellectual development and comfortable rest of the children. These are playrooms and bedrooms with comfortable and beautiful furniture for different age groups, language laboratories and computer rooms.

The festive atmosphere at the opening ceremonies of educational facilities was enhanced by performances by artists and creative groups from the velayats, the source notes.

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