
The delegation of Turkmenistan visited the city of Gorgan in Iran


A representative delegation from Turkmenistan visited the city of Gorgan in the Gulistan province of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, on the day of arrival, the Turkmen delegation met with the leadership of the province of Gulistan. The parties discussed issues related to the widespread celebration of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi and the study of the poet’s creative heritage on a scientific basis.

It was also noted that high-level meetings and negotiations open up new opportunities for the development of bilateral relations in all areas.

The city of Gorgan is the administrative center of the province and is located 30 kilometers east of the Caspian Sea. The Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway passes through the city, which has become an important part of the international North-South transport corridor.

Expanding cultural and humanitarian cooperation between neighboring countries has become one of the important directions of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy strategy. This is an important condition for the development of international cooperation to reach a qualitatively new level. The development of cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran in various fields, including cultural and humanitarian, determines the fruitful nature of relations, the source notes.

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