
The Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan met with parliamentarians of Japan


Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Dunyagozel Gulmanova met in Ashgabat with a delegation of Japanese parliamentarians led by Toshiaki Endo, a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Japan and the head of the Japanese-Turkmen interparliamentary friendship group, the Mejlis website reports.

The parties emphasized the importance of the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to create the “Central Asia + Japan” dialogue and hold the first meeting of the parliamentary leaders of the countries of Central Asia and Japan in Ashgabat for the development of regional parliamentary interaction.

During the conversation, the role of interparliamentary dialogue in expanding cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan in various fields was noted. The activities of the interparliamentary friendship group promote the exchange of experience in legislative work.

The meeting participants discussed the prospects for expanding Turkmen-Japanese ties in the cultural and humanitarian field. The role of events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi in strengthening friendly relations between peoples was especially highlighted.

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