
The presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan “Youth is the support of the Motherland” took place in India


The Embassy of Turkmenistan in India organized a presentation in New Delhi of the first book by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, “Youth is the support of the Motherland”, reports the Turkmen diplomatic mission in a press release.

The event was also dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi and the announcement of the motto of 2024 in Turkmenistan, “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”.

The presentation was attended by scientists from the two countries, public figures and Turkmen students in India. An employee of the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Geldymurat Muhammedov made a report on the life and work of the great Turkmen poet.

Abhay Maurai, a professor at the University of Delhi, who spoke at the meeting, congratulated those present on the release of the book by the President of Turkmenistan and noted the priority attention of the Turkmen state to youth. He also emphasized the importance of translating 200 selected poems of Magtymguly Fragi into Hindi for the development of cultural ties between the two countries.

Guests of the presentation noted that the book by the head of the Turkmen state became a wonderful New Year's gift for the people of the country and a valuable tool for young people in solving the problems facing the country.

Ambassador of Turkmenistan to India Shalar Geldynazarov spoke about plans for holding events for the anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi both in Turkmenistan and abroad.

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