
Top 3 Japanese cuisine traditions that extend life


Japan is among the countries with the highest life expectancy in the world. On average, Japanese people live about 82 years. Doctors believe that one of the factors contributing to longevity is Japanese cuisine. This is reported by the Internet portal “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” with reference to the TV channel “Doctor”.

Three main traditions of Japanese cuisine that help maintain health and prolong life:

1. Seaweed and other seaweed are an integral part of Japanese cuisine. They are added to rolls, sushi, soups, and also eaten dried, like chips.

2. Unsweetened desserts. Japanese desserts generally do not contain added sugar. They are made from natural ingredients such as seasonal fruits and rice flour.

3. Eating is a ritual. The Japanese believe that lunch with friends is not just a meal, but an occasion for communication and relaxation. They eat slowly, in small portions, to enjoy the taste of the food and each other's company.

In addition to these three traditions, Japanese cuisine is also characterized by a large amount of fish in the diet, the use of fermented foods and the tea ceremony. All these factors contribute to improved health and longevity.

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