
The President of Turkmenistan made a bike ride along the coast of the Caspian Sea


Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a bike ride along the coast of the Caspian Sea while on vacation in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, the Watan news program of the Turkmen television reported.

Health promotion, popularization and approval of the principles of a healthy lifestyle in modern society are among the most important priorities of state policy. It is no coincidence that at the suggestion of Turkmenistan, every year on June 3, World Bicycle Day, established by the relevant Resolution of the UN General Assembly, is widely celebrated.

Having completed the bike ride, the head of state arrived at the Avaza multi-profile sports complex equipped with modern specialized equipment and sports equipment. There are all conditions for practicing various sports.

After completing a set of exercises at the Avaza sports complex, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left the scene.

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