
The President of Turkmenistan held a video conference with the heads of the regions and the Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture


The progress of seasonal field works and issues of social and economic development of regions were discussed today during a working meeting held by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov via digital system, reported the news program “Watan” of the Turkmen television.

Having listened the reports of the heads of regions and Vice – Premier Annageldi Yazmyradov, overseeing agriculture complex, the President of Turkmenistan underlined the significant role of the agricultural sector in the national economy and instructed to apply all efforts for conduction of agricultural campaign in the country on time.

The Head of State stressed that it is important to collect the harvest of “white gold” without losses and to complete the wheat sowing within agrotechnical terms.

Having noted that the strengthening of food abundance is among the priority tasks today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to take all necessary measures for proper organization of harvesting winter potatoes, vegetables, melons, sugar beets and completion of rice harvesting in the Lebap velayat, as well as for carrying out arable work on the areas allocated for cotton in 2023.

The Head of Turkmenistan also instructed to keep under control the building of the facilities planned to be commissioned this year in accordance with the National Village Program, also to provide a high level of preparation of festive events on December 12 celebrations in honor of the International Day of Neutrality.

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