An international forum dedicated to historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan will be held in Ashgabat


An international forum on the topic: “Historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan in the center of world attention” will be held in Ashgabat on the 19th of April 2022. This was reported by Deputy Prime Minister Myahrijemal Mammedova during a Government meeting held today in the National Tourist Zone “Avaza”, the information program “Vatan” of Turkmen television reports.

During the event, its participants will discuss the results of archeological surveys executed by the international and national expeditions on the historical and cultural monuments of the country. Presentations by historians and archaeologists, representatives of foreign scientific centers will be organized by video link.

The international meeting will coincide with the exhibition of archeological finds, also a presentation of a new book, devoted to the scientific researches and restoration works carried out on ancient monuments of Turkmenistan.

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