Protection of mothers and children became the topic of a scientific and practical conference with the participation of doctors


Recently, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the achievements of medicine of our country in the fields of pediatrics, pediatric surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, as well as the prospects for their further development, was held at the Educational and Scientific Center for Mother and Child Health at the State Medical University.

The conference was attended by professors and teachers of the Medical University, heads of departments with the results of their scientific work, as well as interns, clinical residents and researchers of the Center.

The conference participants noted that the main activity of the Center is to improve the quality of nursing low-birth-weight infants, early development and intervention in this category of children, study of the content of micronutrients in infants and their mothers, and prevention of miscarriage. The achievements of Turkmen doctors in these branches of medicine are based on the effective use of scientifically proven approaches.

The main task of pediatrics is prevention, which ensures the formation and health of children. Great importance is attached to the construction of modern medical and preventive institutions, perinatal and diagnostic centers, clinics for specialized care.

Protection of mother and child health in Turkmenistan is one of the most important tasks. Significant efforts are being made in the country to create optimal conditions for health protection, the formation of physical and intellectual capabilities for the younger generation within the framework of the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country until 2030.

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