"Turkmenaragatnashyk" Agency informs about the terms of participation in the contest “Digital solution-2020”


In March of this year, the Agency “Türkmenaragatnaşyk” announced the holding of the contest "Digital solution – 2020", Akhmet Yazlyev head of the digital economy development Department of the telecommunications company “Turkmentelecom”, told about the rules and conditions of the competition in an interview with “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper.

- The competition is announced in seven categories. What is the reason for their choice?

- We selected healthcare, science and education, industry, transport and communications, services, medium and small businesses, and smart cities. They are priority areas in the country's development.

- Who can take part in the competition?

- Everyone who lives on the territory of Turkmenistan without age restrictions can become participants. We are ready to take any high-quality and unique project into development. Participants who submitted their projects will have to speak individually or as part of a group and present their work to the verification Commission. But the group must not exceed three people. In this case, you must specify the Manager.

- What are the requirements for projects?

- First of all, it is necessary to prove its relevance and possibility of implementation. In addition, the development of the project should use innovative methods in the development of the communication and telecommunications system. The economic feasibility and quality of the software are also evaluated. The approach to the design of the proposed resource is important. Projects are required to prepare new web services, software used in different computers and compact communication equipment. The Commission will review all incoming applications, check their compliance, and most importantly, any proposed project will be checked for anti-plagiarism.

- How does the anti-plagiarism structure work?

- There are many different software resources. Our goal is to find unique ideas, so plagiarism is unacceptable. The project must be created from scratch. The innovative search system will significantly help us in identifying borrowed works. The anti-plagiarism system will work as follows: loading the project of participants, then the search algorithm is triggered and the analysis for matches occurs, and if they are present, the system will report it.

- What documents do I need to submit to participate in the competition?

- To participate in the competition, you need a written application from the applicant (team leader), a list of published works, a copy of the passport and the content of the proposed project. A group of individuals or individuals from the same company or organization can participate.

- Where and how can I apply?

- Applications will be accepted on the site "www.telecom.tm" in electronic form. However, it is advisable to call +99312 98-12-12 in advance to get more information.

- What will be the reward for the winners?

- All participants will be awarded with diplomas, valuable gifts and cash prizes. The projects that took the first, second, and third places will receive financial support from organizations and enterprises under the authority of the Agency "Turkmenaragatnashyk", as well as companies – equity participants of the Agency


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