Turkmenistan has launched a service for customs clearance of goods and vehicles via the Internet


The official website of the Directorate of economic management under the State customs service of Turkmenistan has been updated with the addition of many innovations, in particular, it has been supplemented with a form for preliminary information about goods and vehicles. 

According to the information on the official website of the SCST, the preliminary electronic exchange of information makes it easier to obtain data on goods and vehicles that have arrived at the customs border of Turkmenistan and its transfer to the customs authorities. Such electronic data is easily transmitted through different platforms over the Internet.

Electronic pre-notification contains data on declarants, attached documents, recipients and senders, vehicles, transport companies, drivers, goods, their prices and other data required by customs authorities. This data is automatically entered into the unified system of customs authorities under a certain identification number and converted into a minimum set for further customs clearance. Upon arrival of goods and vehicles at the customs border of Turkmenistan after confirmation of the customs document, processed on the basis of electronic preliminary information is issued for a minimum period of time.

The official website of the Directorate of economic management at the SCST is currently available only in the Turkmen language. The Russian and English versions of the site are under development.

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